Multi-Select Option Set field in Dynamics 365 V9.0 | Microsoft Dynamics CRM MultiSelect Option Sets Pros and Cons

Talha Manzoor
Multi Select Option Set Dynamics CRM 365 | Multi select drop down CRM |Dynamics CRM option set multiple values | Dynamics 365 multi select option set workflow | Multi select Option set Dynamics 365 JavaScript | Microsoft Dynamics CRM MultiSelect Option Sets: Pros and Cons


Multi-select Option Sets are simple to configure. If you want to create multi options set you just need to select multi-option data type They can be configured as a Local Option Set or point to a Global Option Set.

  1. values are displayed on the form separated by colons (;).
  2. Developers can interact with Multi-select Option Sets via Plugins and JavaScript.


First limitation is, Multi-select Option Sets cannot be used in Business Rules. However, developers can write some Business Rule functionality through JavaScript.

Workflows are not able to use Multi-select Option Sets as conditions or part of the create/update process logic step. we can only use Multi-select Option Sets as entry criteria to trigger a workflow.

  1. We can’t add a Multi-select Option Set to a Business Process Flow.
  2. we can not update a Multi-select Option Set by bulk editing records.
  3. we can not use Multi-select Options Sets in SSRS reports.
  4. There is no any option to convert a standard Option Set to a Multi-select Option Set.
  5. we can not create any relationship because Multi-select Option Sets can’t be included in relationship mappings.

get the value from multi option-set field using JavaScript.

function GetMultiSelectValue(executionContext) {
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();

    //Returns Array of Selected OptionSet Values: [1,2,5 ]
    var selectedValues = formContext.getAttribute("vwi_multiselect").getValue();

    //Returns Array of Selected OptionSet Text: ["A", "B","C"]
    var selectedTexts = formContext.getAttribute("vwi_multiselect").getText();


set the value multi  option set field using JavaScript:

function SetMultiSelectField(executionContext) {
    var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
    //Option values with comma separates
    //Overwrites the Existing Selected Values
    formContext.getAttribute("vwi_multiselect").setValue([3, 4, 6]);

If you have any questions about creating Multi-Select Option Sets you can contact with me

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