Microsoft Dynamic CRM Marketing

Talha Manzoor

 Customer Journey 

In Dynamics 365 Marketing, a Customer Journey is an automated marketing campaign intended for a specific target audience. With a drag-and-drop journey designer, marketers create a customized pipeline or path consisting of steps to send personalized email messages, schedule follow up activities for sales team members, trigger workflows, and execute campaign-related activities. As each member of the target segment progresses down the path, their reactions and interactions are tracked in the system, providing insight into the true reach and effectiveness of the marketing initiative.


Segments let you create groups of related contacts that you can target with customer journeys. Segments are created using the segment designer. One way to build segments is by querying across related entities including contacts, leads, accounts, events, marketing lists, and more. You can also query the marketing-insights service to find contacts that have engaged with your marketing initiatives. The marketing-insights service also allows you to query contacts that you aren’t reaching because of issues such as email bounces.

Real time marketing:

Within real-time marketing you will have options to define journeys, event triggers, segments, consent center and more. Channels available include emails, push notifications and text messages.

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