Changing Web URL address suffix in Model-Driven App / Power App

Talha Manzoor

 The web URL for a Model-Driven App in the Power Platform typically follows the format:


Here, Replace <environment-name> with the name of your environment in the Power Platform, and <app-id> with the unique identifier (GUID) of your Model-Driven App. This URL will allow you to access and interact with your Model-Driven App through a web browser.

Further, you can change Web URL suffix by following the below steps.

  1. Sign-in to your Model-Driven App with a valid administrator credentials.
  2. Within the App selector window, locate your Model-Driven App and click on the three dots resembling the App Settings.
  3. Click on Manage Roles >> App URL Suffix.
  4. Here you can define the web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App which will act as a friendly name in the end of URL.
    In our scenario, we’ve chosen the suffix “PowerAppsNinja.” Consequently, the web URL for our Model-Driven App will be ““.

Therefore, following these steps will enable you to effectively alter the web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App within the Power Platform.

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