PowerApps Lookup(Source, Filter, COLUMN)

Talha Manzoor

In this blog post , we will discuss the PowerApps lookup function, what is the lookup function, how to use?, and give some examples about the lookup function in PowerApps, such as the LookUp function with single condition, the LookUp function with multiple condition , the LookUp function with lookup column, and so on. 

In Power Apps, the Lookup function is a powerful tool for finding and returning the first record that matches certain criteria! But the way you use it can make a huge difference.

 Let's clarify it:👇

1️⃣ Lookup(Source, Filter, COLUMN): This syntax directly returns the desired COLUMN's value from the first record that matches the filter criteria. It's straightforward and efficient.🚀

2️⃣ Lookup(Source, Filter).COLUMN: This syntax first retrieves the entire record that matches the filter criteria and then extracts the COLUMN's value. It takes an extra step, thus slightly affecting the performance.🔄

For example:

1️⃣ Lookup(MyCollection, Age > 30, Name): This directly gives you the "Name" of the first person older than 30.

2️⃣ Lookup(MyCollection, Age > 30).Name: This first finds the record of the first person older than 30, then extracts the "Name".

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